Storm Doris Aftermath

Conker Tree
Horse Chestnut Tree Felled and Stumped
May 15, 2017

Storm Doris Aftermath, Large Conifer stump and root removal.

Well, Storm Doris has really kept us busy During February and March. With there shallow roots and enormous height Conifers tended to be the worst affected. This particular Conifer had crashed through three gardens, thankfully missing houses and not causing too much damage other than a few fence panels. This was a rather tricky job and the home owner had been told by other companies that it was not possible to remove. Never one to turn down a challenge I worked out a plan of attack. A tough days work but the stump and roots were reduced to dust.

" Andy was like superman, he didn't stop all day. Having been told It couldn't be done I started to think that the stump was going to be a long term garden feature. So pleased I made that last call to Stumpman. A great job. Many Thanks"

Storm damage

Storm damage